Genetic Counsellor
A Genetic Counsellor is a trained healthcare professional who provides information, support, and guidance to individuals and families regarding genetic conditions, inheritance patterns, and the implications of genetic testing, helping them make informed decisions about their health and family planning.
In 2019 the GCRAB register was transferred to the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS). A GCRAB Board Member sits on the AHCS Healthcare Science Regulation Council and Genetic Counsellors who have met the GCRAB assessment criteria are now included in the AHCS public register of Practitioners accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.
It is only Registered Genetic Counsellors who come under the remit of the AHCS and GCRAB. The Register gives you access to a list of counsellors who have applied and meet the standards for registration which include the GCRAB Scope of Practice click here, GCRAB Code of Conduct click here and GCRAB Standards of Proficiencies click here.
To view the status of an AHCS Registered Genetic Counsellor, please check the Register.
Alternatively, to view the status of a HCPC Registered Genetic Counsellor, please check the Register.
Registered Genetic Counsellors from a nursing background may also be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). To view the NMC register please click here.
For information on GCRAB accredited MSc courses and the GCRAB process used to assess courses, please go to Accreditation webpage tab.
The GCRAB have produced guidelines for Prospective Registrants which can be viewed here.
If a prospective registrant is unsure about their eligibility to register, the GCRAB will consider individual cases on submission of a completed Evaluation of Eligibility to Register Form and administration fee.
Intention to Register
The GCRAB has an annual assessment process for new applicants wishing to join the AHCS Register.
To apply for registration, applicants should first complete an Intention To Register form which can be completed at any time but can only be submitted between 1st February and 8th February each year to [email protected] .
The intention to register form can be downloaded from here.
The GCRAB chair will review and applicants will receive an email at the end of February notifying them regarding their outcome.
Registration application process
If successful, applicants then can create an account and complete their Genetic Counsellor registration application via the AHCS portal system by the 1st April. All applications must be submitted by the 1st April. Further details regarding the registration process can be found here
Full details regarding eligibility to register and the registration process can be found in the documents below. We recommend reading the Applicant Guidelines thoroughly.
If a prospective registrant is unsure about their eligibility to register, the GCRAB will consider individual cases on submission of a completed Evaluation of Eligibility to Register Form and administration fee.
If you have any questions about the Registration process please seek advice from the GCRAB administrator [email protected] , BEFORE submitting your ‘Notification of Intention to Register’ form
Currently the GCRAB is only able to assess a set number of portfolios each year. All Notifications of Intention to Register will be managed on a “first come, first served” basis. Acceptance will be made in order of submission. If it is not possible to accept all applicants in a particular year, those applicants not accepted will be offered priority for the following year.
If, due to extenuating circumstances, an applicant is unable to submit their portfolio on time they should submit an Extenuating Circumstances Form (054_FORM) as soon as possible.
The AHCS Register is a list of Genetic Counsellors who have met the standards for Registration. The GCRAB sets and enforces standards for entry to the AHCS Register.
The GCRAB and AHCS sets standards for the maintenance of registration. All registrants are bound by the GCRAB Code of Conduct, Standards of Proficiency and Scope of Practice, the Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors (AGNC) Code of Ethic and the AHCS Good Scientific Practice guidelines. As such, all registrants are required to have appropriate counselling supervision and continuing professional development. To access the AHCS standards, rules and guidance click here.
Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC) registered Genetic Counsellors have met standards set by, and held to account by, the HCPC. These will include Genetic Counsellors who have completed the Scientist Training Programme (STP) training, or those who have gained STP equivalence via the AHCS. To read more about the standards set by the HCPC click here .
The GCRAB and AHCS manages complaints through the AHCS professional conduct process click here . The AHCS Sanctions Policy sets out the principles for Fitness to Practise, for information click here (Web-13). Alternatively, the HCPC’s sanctions policy can be accessed here (Web-14).
Renewal/ Maintenance
Annual Renewal
To maintain registration, Registered Genetic Counsellors on the AHCS register are required to pay an annual subscription fee and submit a declaration of their fitness to practise via the AHCS website. You will receive an annual renewal email from the Academy in early March with instructions on how to complete this process.
Please visit the AHCS website for information on the following policies:
- Career Breaks and Returning to Practice Policy
- Lapsed Registration Policy
The Academy monitors the CPD activities that registrants undertake for the purposes of patient safety and public confidence, and as a requirement of its accreditation with the Professional Standards Authority.
The Academy currently undertakes a CPD audit of its registrants every 2 years, similar to the Health and Care Professions Council schedule for statutory registers. 3% of all registered individuals are selected at random and asked to submit evidence of the CPD activities they have undertaken over the previous two years. If selected, it is mandatory for the registrant to respond; a failure to provide evidence of CPD could result in individual being removed from the Register. There will be an opportunity to consider any extenuating circumstances for non-submission which must be put in writing to the Registrar.
The Academy will seek input from the GCRAB if required, as part of the audit process.
Registered Genetic Counsellors are required to have typically an average of 30 hours CPD over each year of professional practice.
Please visit the AHCS website (Web-07) for further information on CPD requirements and audit.
- AHCS Standards for Continuing Professional Development
- AHCS Guide to CPD
- CPD Audit
If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]
The Sign-Off Mentor (SOM) must be a Registered Genetic Counsellor with at least three years’ experience of working post their registration as a Registered Genetic Counsellor. The GCRB holds a combined SOM and Assessor training day annually. The aim of the training day is to ensure consistency in both the level of mentoring and assessment. This training is to ensure the process is as fair and transparent as possible for all involved The SOM must have undertaken the Sign-Off Mentor training provided by the GCRB within three years of the Intention to Register date. For example, if acting as a SOM for submission in 2021 the SOM will need to have completed training during or after 2018. The GCRB maintains a list of Registered Genetic Counsellors who have undertaken SOM training. To find out when a RGC last underwent SOM training, click HERE.
To find out the date of the next SOM and Assessor Training Day, please check the Calendar. The current cost of attending the SOM and Assessor Training Day is £50. The GCRB holds a combined Assessor and Sign Off Mentor training day annually.
The aim of the training day is to ensure consistency in both the level of assessment and mentoring. Currently the GCRB is working towards all assessors completing the new joint Assessor/SOM training in the three years prior to the cohort submission date.
This training is to ensure the process is as fair and transparent as possible for all involved. Experienced registered genetic counsellors are welcome to apply to become an assessor. To find out the date of the next Assessor and SOM Training Day, please check the current GCRB calendar. If you have any queries contact [email protected]
A Genetic Counsellor is a trained healthcare professional who provides information, support, and guidance to individuals and families regarding genetic conditions, inheritance patterns, and the implications of genetic testing, helping them make informed decisions about their health and family planning.
In 2019 the GCRAB register was transferred to the Academy for Healthcare Science (AHCS). A GCRAB Board Member sits on the AHCS Healthcare Science Regulation Council and Genetic Counsellors who have met the GCRAB assessment criteria are now included in the AHCS public register of Practitioners accredited by the Professional Standards Authority.
It is only Registered Genetic Counsellors who come under the remit of the AHCS and GCRAB. The Register gives you access to a list of counsellors who have applied and meet the standards for registration which include the GCRAB Scope of Practice click here, GCRAB Code of Conduct click here and GCRAB Standards of Proficiencies click here.
To view the status of an AHCS Registered Genetic Counsellor, please check the Register.
Alternatively, to view the status of a HCPC Registered Genetic Counsellor, please check the Register.
Registered Genetic Counsellors from a nursing background may also be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). To view the NMC register please click here.
For information on GCRAB accredited MSc courses and the GCRAB process used to assess courses, please go to Accreditation webpage tab.
The GCRAB have produced guidelines for Prospective Registrants which can be viewed here.
If a prospective registrant is unsure about their eligibility to register, the GCRAB will consider individual cases on submission of a completed Evaluation of Eligibility to Register Form and administration fee.
Intention to Register
The GCRAB has an annual assessment process for new applicants wishing to join the AHCS Register.
To apply for registration, applicants should first complete an Intention To Register form which can be completed at any time but can only be submitted between 1st February and 8th February each year to [email protected] .
The intention to register form can be downloaded from here.
The GCRAB chair will review and applicants will receive an email at the end of February notifying them regarding their outcome.
Registration application process
If successful, applicants then can create an account and complete their Genetic Counsellor registration application via the AHCS portal system by the 1st April. All applications must be submitted by the 1st April. Further details regarding the registration process can be found here
Full details regarding eligibility to register and the registration process can be found in the documents below. We recommend reading the Applicant Guidelines thoroughly.
If a prospective registrant is unsure about their eligibility to register, the GCRAB will consider individual cases on submission of a completed Evaluation of Eligibility to Register Form and administration fee.
If you have any questions about the Registration process please seek advice from the GCRAB administrator [email protected] , BEFORE submitting your ‘Notification of Intention to Register’ form
Currently the GCRAB is only able to assess a set number of portfolios each year. All Notifications of Intention to Register will be managed on a “first come, first served” basis. Acceptance will be made in order of submission. If it is not possible to accept all applicants in a particular year, those applicants not accepted will be offered priority for the following year.
If, due to extenuating circumstances, an applicant is unable to submit their portfolio on time they should submit an Extenuating Circumstances Form (054_FORM) as soon as possible.
The AHCS Register is a list of Genetic Counsellors who have met the standards for Registration. The GCRAB sets and enforces standards for entry to the AHCS Register.
The GCRAB and AHCS sets standards for the maintenance of registration. All registrants are bound by the GCRAB Code of Conduct, Standards of Proficiency and Scope of Practice, the Association of Genetic Nurses and Counsellors (AGNC) Code of Ethic and the AHCS Good Scientific Practice guidelines. As such, all registrants are required to have appropriate counselling supervision and continuing professional development. To access the AHCS standards, rules and guidance click here.
Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC) registered Genetic Counsellors have met standards set by, and held to account by, the HCPC. These will include Genetic Counsellors who have completed the Scientist Training Programme (STP) training, or those who have gained STP equivalence via the AHCS. To read more about the standards set by the HCPC click here .
The GCRAB and AHCS manages complaints through the AHCS professional conduct process click here . The AHCS Sanctions Policy sets out the principles for Fitness to Practise, for information click here (Web-13). Alternatively, the HCPC’s sanctions policy can be accessed here (Web-14).
Renewal/ Maintenance
Annual Renewal
To maintain registration, Registered Genetic Counsellors on the AHCS register are required to pay an annual subscription fee and submit a declaration of their fitness to practise via the AHCS website. You will receive an annual renewal email from the Academy in early March with instructions on how to complete this process.
Please visit the AHCS website for information on the following policies:
- Career Breaks and Returning to Practice Policy
- Lapsed Registration Policy
The Academy monitors the CPD activities that registrants undertake for the purposes of patient safety and public confidence, and as a requirement of its accreditation with the Professional Standards Authority.
The Academy currently undertakes a CPD audit of its registrants every 2 years, similar to the Health and Care Professions Council schedule for statutory registers. 3% of all registered individuals are selected at random and asked to submit evidence of the CPD activities they have undertaken over the previous two years. If selected, it is mandatory for the registrant to respond; a failure to provide evidence of CPD could result in individual being removed from the Register. There will be an opportunity to consider any extenuating circumstances for non-submission which must be put in writing to the Registrar.
The Academy will seek input from the GCRAB if required, as part of the audit process.
Registered Genetic Counsellors are required to have typically an average of 30 hours CPD over each year of professional practice.
Please visit the AHCS website (Web-07) for further information on CPD requirements and audit.
- AHCS Standards for Continuing Professional Development
- AHCS Guide to CPD
- CPD Audit
If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected]
The Sign-Off Mentor (SOM) must be a Registered Genetic Counsellor with at least three years’ experience of working post their registration as a Registered Genetic Counsellor. The GCRB holds a combined SOM and Assessor training day annually. The aim of the training day is to ensure consistency in both the level of mentoring and assessment. This training is to ensure the process is as fair and transparent as possible for all involved The SOM must have undertaken the Sign-Off Mentor training provided by the GCRB within three years of the Intention to Register date. For example, if acting as a SOM for submission in 2021 the SOM will need to have completed training during or after 2018. The GCRB maintains a list of Registered Genetic Counsellors who have undertaken SOM training. To find out when a RGC last underwent SOM training, click HERE.
To find out the date of the next SOM and Assessor Training Day, please check the Calendar. The current cost of attending the SOM and Assessor Training Day is £50. The GCRB holds a combined Assessor and Sign Off Mentor training day annually.
The aim of the training day is to ensure consistency in both the level of assessment and mentoring. Currently the GCRB is working towards all assessors completing the new joint Assessor/SOM training in the three years prior to the cohort submission date.
This training is to ensure the process is as fair and transparent as possible for all involved. Experienced registered genetic counsellors are welcome to apply to become an assessor. To find out the date of the next Assessor and SOM Training Day, please check the current GCRB calendar. If you have any queries contact [email protected]